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    Membedah Kejulidan Netizen (bagian 2) : Gue yang Lari, Mereka yang Sibuk

    aArtikel sebelumnya: Membedah Kejulidan Netizen

    Kejulidan # 4

    Netizen Julid Nih

    Terimakasih alam semesta telah berada di pihak yang dizalimi. Jadi, ketika gue mulai curiga dengan @ivorydes dan gerombolannya yang sering mocking gue di Twitter , tiba-tiba gue nyadar kalau akun bernama @fajriyuneldi telah memfollow gue untuk beberapa waktu tapi tidak begitu gue indahkan. Gue check akun @fajriyuneldi – dia sepertinya baru main Strava dan sering sharing kegiatan Strava-nya di Twitter. Gue check Strava-nya, dan investigasi followersnya @fajriyuneldi. A ha, ternyata gue menemukan nama @ivorydes dan @rockyharbes, nama-nama yang cukup sering gue lihat ketika mereka sedang cyberbullying gue. Terimakasih Fajri Yuneldi untuk infonya ha ha.

    Gue sangat heran kenapa si @ivorydes suka sekali berkomentar jahat ke gue, dan gue check her Strava activities. Oh I see. Karena mereka sudah menstalking gue sejak April atau May, tentunya sering melihat Running Journal yang gue dokumentasikan di Twitter, padahal gue sudah mendokumentasikan progress berlari gue jauh sebelum gerombolan iblis ini mengacak-acak kehidupan gue di Twitter.

    Jadi, si @ivorydes, adalah pelari dengan pace 10 meskipun masih muda dan tampaknya fit atau uninjured. Sebetulnya, gue gak pernah peduli dengan pace pelari lain – tapi karena wanita ini agak lain I am just wondering; is she jealous of me?? Netizen yang tidak pernah gue kenal tiba-tiba ngejulidin almost every tweet I make, gimana gak merasa aneh.

    Mungkin Desi hanya merasa insecure, karena dia pelari Pace 10 – sedangkan, gue sering mendokumentasikan my #runningjournal yang belakangan progress berlari gue mulai meningkat berada di pace 6 atau 5:30. Tentunya semua ini karena training, bukan ngejulidin netizen. He He He.

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    Asia,  blog,  India,  Iran,  Singapore,  Travel

    2018 in Review – Reflection

    Hello 2018

    When I typed the title of this entry, I first typed 2008 in Review. I then gasped, no, It’s 2018, my dear! Not 2008. How could my life feel like just stuck in 2008 – I kept typing 2008 instead of 2018 in Review.

    It was a decade ago, but some or maybe many things in 2008 are special, and I feel like being trapped in that year or when Rahma was reborn. I have to move on and get used to the fact is, a decade had passed. Move on, welcome to 2019. One year to go to the 2020s. 

    2018 was like riding a roller coaster, it has its ups and downs. Living with the duality of happiness and sorrow, positive and negative energy, constantly come and go.

    As a child, we’d become so excited when grown-ups asked us, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”. We would reply: “When I grow up, I want to be an Astronaut or Doctor”. Life seems to be so easy when we’re still little girls or boys. We learn that children are very positive and dream big without fear of failure because they don’t recognize what failure is. As a child, we love to question everything and try something new.

    A few decades later after we need to work hard to pay our bills, and broke, or need to pay unexpected bills, we then say: “When I grow up, I don’t want to grow up!!

  • the cranberries concert
    Asia,  blog

    Hostel Life

    I am back.

    After spending my GAP year, I flew to Singapore to attend a job interview for a graphic designer position. I came to Singapore via Kuala Lumpur, then stopped at KL Central and took a bus to Singapore, which took around 5 hours on a road trip. I was so excited to start my new adventure in foreign countries (again). It’s just me!!! I don’t know why… I guess I was born as a gypsy who enjoys moving from one place to another.

    My mom told me, I was born in Jakarta, Java Island. my dad lived in Padang, West Sumatra – Sumatra Island. However, my grandparents on my mom’s side lived in Jakarta. So, I just born in Jakarta, then at the age of 2 months, my mom brought me back to Padang city by plane. So, my first flight experience was, when I was two months old. Perhaps, that’s why I do enjoy traveling and just can’t stand staying in one place for a long time!! Nomad or gypsy girl, I like to call myself so!!

  • blog,  Europe,  the Netherlands

    Excursion to Rotterdam

    Free Train Ticket

    As part of this summer course, we had the opportunity to visit Rotterdam. We embarked on Utrecht Centraal to Rotterdam Centraal which took approximately 40 minutes by train. Our meeting point was Utrecht Centraal, I had been queuing to buy our train ticket at the ticket counter with my Spanish housemate who was also my classmate. I stood behind my Spanish friend, standing straight and waiting for my turn to purchase my train ticket. Once my friend had done with his ticket errand, he shifted, and I replaced his position.

    I talked to the ticket officer ‘Same as him, to Rotterdam, please.’

    The ticker officer observed my face at a glance and asked: ‘Are you with him to Rotterdam?’

    I replied ‘Yes, we’re together.’

    With a nice smile he said while handing me a ticket ‘Here’s a free ticket for you.’

  • Lipton Ice Tea
    blog,  Europe,  the Netherlands,  Travel

    Lost in Translation di Belanda

    Belanda memang indah, tentram dan damai. Puluhan ribu kilometer jauh dari hiruk pikuk Jakarta dan polusinya. Woazaaaa, akhirnya gue terhindar dari gosip-gosip selebriti nggak penting di tanah air.

    Serta jauh dari gaya haus status, hedonistik dan materialistik Jakarta,  .. what a nice view for me when I see the Dutch whatever their profession, riding bike as part of their lifestyle. I’m an Asian who used to live in Jakarta and Singapore, mostly known dimana uang, jenis mobil, dimana kamu tinggal –  apartmen mewah apa adalah segalanya dalam society. Namun, Belanda dimana hidup terasa jauh lebih berkualitas, sehat dan produktif. Di saat segala sesuatunya serba sistematis dan On-Time, jadwal bus dan kenyamanan public transportation yang nggak akan mungkin (atau sampai kapan) Jakarta atau Indonesia bisa akan begini.(Oh, Jakarta. ngarep.com dari rakyat jelata)

    Tapi, ada tapinya. Yes, English is widely spoken in The Netherlands. As a person who’s quite familiar with English and Indonesian, I have a little problem when I have to face some Dutch in my new environment.

    Gue punya beberapa cerita tentang lost in translation moments di Belanda. Ha Ha, padahal baru 10 hari berada disini, sudah cukup lah, lost in translation moment untuk dibagi-bagikan.